Thursday, May 26, 2016

Dance define me

Dance is an art form that can’t be taught beyond a point as it is all about the rhythm within. Dance is a form of expression where there is no right and wrong. Be it hip-hop or ballet, waltz or samba, dance is dance and nobody can tell you otherwise. Come to Yala and ask about dance people will tell you what they think and why they dance. Glossy9ce familly met a group of young men and women dancing at jamii hall last year, we saw the pasion that they had for dance and shared some ideas with them.

It is one year down the line and the group have grown, many young men around Yala town admire and wish to join them. As glossy9ce family we will continue to support and share our talents to the globe by creating platform to sale and showcase our capability. We welcome partnership from any angle. Dancers are welcomed during the school holidays those who can choreograph and train dance are all welcomed

 People dance for all kinds of reasons - to mourn, to celebrate, to heal, to give thanks, to preserve cultural heritage and treasured legends, to demonstrate physical prowess, to assert individuality, to provoke and to entertain. This guys dance to make a change a change that the globe will celebrate  follow the link to like glossy9ce page on Facebook

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