Thursday, January 28, 2016


"I am Kiwanuka Henry also known as Henry King in music field, born and raised in the ghettos of Kabonera Masaka Uganda. Music is my life here from leading the school choir in my primary time. Music was not taught at my school, but after joining St John's Senior secondary school for my advanced education i was inspired by Nassaazi Mary and Ssetume Andrew my school mates. We became good friends, i remember some crazy things we did at school

I have four sisters and one brother i am the second born and elder son in my family.


HOW I FOUND CREATORS UGANDA. creators started in two villages Kabonera and Bukunda all in Masaka district. Jorum Junior, Aklam and Mr Leo, Hennecke Ssmakula were the first members. They worked hard to make sure the group grew to what it is today. We face alot of challenges like luck of training facilities but working hard is what we know, i have done some single audio and one have a video on you tube, creators dancers have performed in different arenas all that thanks to God".

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