Monday, December 7, 2015

Diamler Omutachi, Tabby Munyiva and Hockins Chanzu are the three people behind the poetry group "Vessels of Honor". The trio spoke to glossy9ce about there group.

Where are you guys from:
Tabby: am from Thika, Diamler and Hockins are from Nairobi

How did you guys met
Diamler: we met here in Yala at Moi University Odera Akang'o campus

Oh! so Hockins and Diamler you new each other before
Diamler: no we met here in Yala for the first time the city is so big one cant no everybody

Why the name Vessels of Honor
Diamler: we belive we are vessels used by God to spread his word to our Genaration

Whre do you guys perfom
Tabby: we ocationaly perform at campus on sundays

Where can we get you audio
 Hockins: we have not yet done any recording but it is in our plans. lets say before next year ends.

How can people reach you guys if they need you to perform
Diamler: they can reach as through our numbers +254702565019 or +254717046116

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